Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Dissecting traces with DTMF tones

I'm sure I belong to the large group of people who love to analyse network traces with tools like Wireshark. Being able to see the details of a packet or datagram down to the level of the bits is not only extremely useful, but also fascinating.

Time ago I wrote a dissector for Wireshark, using the Lua interface, and that was fun (I see it's still available here). The official recommendation is to use Lua only for prototyping and testing, but when performances are not key and there isn't the intent to add the dissector to the official distribution, it's fast and effective.

In order to parse network traces with audio and extract it into the payload first, and then decode it into a WAV file, C is a viable solution. I wrote about a program that does that here and since it attracted some attention and feedback I wrote an updated version later.

More recently I wanted to identify programmatically the presence (and value) of DTMF tones - as RTP Events, RFC 2833 - in network traces. This time rather than using C, I wanted to integrate it with python, and scapy seemed a good choice.

scapy is quite complete, but interestingly it doesn't have a parser for the RTP Event extension. So I thought of mapping the raw content in the RTP payload to a structure, with the help of C types.

This it the core of the program:

def process_pcap(file_name, sut_ip):

  for (pkt_data, pkt_metadata,) in RawPcapReader(file_name):

    ether_pkt = Ether(pkt_data)

    # A little housekeeping to filter IPv4 UDP packets goes here

    if ether_pkt.haslayer(UDP):
      udp_pkt = ether_pkt[UDP]

    # Get the raw UDP packet into an RTP structure
    rtp_pkt = RTP(udp_pkt["Raw"].load)

    ptype = rtp_pkt.payload_type

    # Assume payload type 96 or 101 are used for RTP events
    if (ptype == 96 or ptype == 101):
      rtpevent_content = rtp_pkt.payload

    # map the payload into an RTPEvent object
    rtpevent_struct = RTPEvent.from_buffer_copy(rtpevent_content.load)

The RTPEvent class looks like this:

class RTPEvent(ctypes.BigEndianStructure):
  _fields_ = [
    ('event_id', ctypes.c_uint8),
    ('end_of_event', ctypes.c_uint8, 1),
    ('reserved', ctypes.c_uint8, 1),
    ('volume', ctypes.c_uint8, 6),
    ('duration', ctypes.c_uint16)

so once mapped, the rtpevent_struct object will have its DTMF-specific details, in particular with the digit contained in rtpevent_struct.event_id, and the indication whether it's the marker of end of the event in the end_of_event bit.

All the other information (source/destination IP address and port, timestamp, SSRC) is obviously available in the UDP and RTP portion, so it's easy to adapt to your needs and filter out the DTMF tones for the streams you're interesting in.

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