Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Recommended tool: Putty Session Manager

If you have more than a few entries on putty, you may consider using Putty Session Manager.
You can organize your sessions in folders (and start all the sessions inside a folder with a click).

Please leave a comment if you know something better!

Monday, 10 January 2011

debian, tab completion failing

Not a big deal, but since the solution to this problem wasn't immediate to find, it's probably worth writing it down.

Symptom: when you try to tab complete a command, you see a message like this:

vi /et-sh: <( compgen -d -- '/et' ): No such file or directory

Cause: You're using sh, not bash, so even if tab completion is enabled on ~/.bashrc, it won't be available to you.

Solution: change the default shell for the current user from sh to bash with
chsh -s /bin/bash

That's it.

Wireshark setting to interpret UDP as RTP automatically

 Before I forget again, a Wireshark setting that can help saving time by trying to interpret any UDP as RTP, if possible: Analyze --> Ena...