If you're not applying it to a tar downloaded from CPAN or in general a third party module, but on your own module, then you may find it useful to build the module's dir structure using module-starter (installed with libmodule-starter-perl).
In summary this is what you need to do:
$ module-starter --module=My::AModule --author="Giacomo Vacca" --email="giacomo.vacca@email.email" --builder=Module::Install
Inside the created dir (My-AModule):
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
(I'm not running make install on purpose)
Outside of My-AModule:
$ dh-make-perl My-AModule/
(builds the debian dir using the current configuration)
Inside My-AModule:
$ debuild
$ debuild -us -uc
if you don't want to sign the deb.
Then I just suggest to have dput configured and upload the package to your repo.
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